Grace The Occasion is compliant with General Data Protection Regulation. Your privacy is respected and taken seriously. Your information is confidential and will be used by Grace The Occasion to process your orders. Your information will not be passed on to third parties by Grace The Occasion. We are open about our methods of tracking and use of visitor’s personal data. We collect:
  • Your name and surname
  • Your email address
  • Your physical address
  • Your phone number
  • We gather your contact details because they are necessary to accept and process your orders and to make sure you get your packages.
  • We gather the details of your technical equipment and on-site behaviour in order to make our store more user-friendly and to personalize our store services for you. (For example, to automatically switch the store to the mobile version).)
  • Payment services use your credit card number, your name and surname to verify and process your payments for our products
  • Postal services use your first name, last name, and physical address to arrange the product delivery for you
If you keep browsing our website after reading this Privacy Policy or place an order, you give us the consent to use your personal details for the purposes explained above. If you don’t agree to these terms, please leave the website. You can contact us via our “Contact Us” form and ask:
  • To receive the copy of your personal details we have collected
  • To delete your personal details from our system
  • To withdraw your consent (if you previously agreed to provide us with the data, but then changed your mind)
We do our best to ensure the security of your personal details while keeping and using them.  
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